Latest News: New website of Bahai's School Launched...


  • The admission commences from February of every year. The form must be completed with every detail and submitted with all required documents (Birth Registration Certificate, Sikkim Subject/ Domicile Certificate, Documents related to Parents’ Occupation, Residential proof) before an application is officially registered. Once the admission is confirmed, no fees except the security deposit, is refundable. All the candidates are required to appear and secure 40% in English, Mathematics and Hindi/ Nepali admission tests in order to qualify for admission. No candidate (Grade 2 and above) will be officially registered unless School Leaving Certificate, duly signed by the Education Authority of the State, from which they come, is produced in the School Office. The student ID number needs to be submitted during admission (if applicable).
  • The Institution also provides concessions to the children from financially weaker backgrounds so that every child gets an opportunity to study and become better citizens of our country. We, at this institution believe that every child should be given an equal chance to prove themselves and we feel that lack of fund should not hinder the development of theirs. The school gives concessions so that the children can prove themselves and grow to become a responsible citizen who would spread love, peace and harmony in their community.